Underage Drinking Prevention

Project Sticker Shock
The Sticker Shock campaign in the East Bay is part of an initiative of the East Bay Regional Coalition to bring awareness to local underage drinking. Responsible liquor stores in the East Bay area are allowing the students to attach stickers to alcoholic beverages and products that appeal to minors, such as beer and hard seltzers. Youth also put bottle neck hangers on bottles of alcoholic products throughout the store to discourage adults and peers who are 21 or over from providing alcohol to minors, as well as placing signage such as glass clingers. Stores will also use paper bags that sport the same messages as the stickers. The stickers, bottle hangers and other materials act as “warning” labels to inform the public of the consequences they face for providing or purchasing alcohol for minors.

Party Patrols & Compliance Checks
East Bay Regional Coalition provides support and funding for law enforcement officers that respond to reports of unruly parties in residential areas and ticket underage youth in possession of alcohol and the adults who provided the alcohol. Support and funding is also provided to law enforcement for alcohol and tobacco compliance checks, to ensure local alcohol retailers and bars do not provide alcohol to minors.

Media Ready
Media Ready is an evidence-based program for middle school students designed to give youth the ability to analyze media messages, recognize unhealthy behavior, and prevent substance abuse through the power of media literacy education. Register to receive news about the next class by filling out this form.

BARS Program
There is an innovative way to reduce the risks of selling alcohol to minors by ensuring staff are properly checking ID. The East Bay Regional Coalition is providing the BARS Program to bars, restaurants, and retailers across the East Bay.
This is how the BARS Program works. We send Checkers once or twice a month, aged 21-25, into participating stores or restaurants to make mock purchases of beer. They check to see if store employees ask for a customer’s ID prior to quoting a price. If the ID is requested, the employee receives a Green Card. If not, they receive a Red Card. After the visit, an email report is sent to the store’s management for training purposes. BARS program participants find an increase in ID checking by staff and reduce the risk of selling to minors.

The East Bay Regional Coalition has provided local law enforcement with Tip411. Tip411 is an anonymous text-a-tip line provided to police in Bristol, East Providence and Warren, Rhode Island. This tip-line allows anonymous communication with local law enforcement by the community, and also allows community members to receive emergency alerts. Don’t have a smartphone, or can’t get online? No problem. You can share information with police by sending an anonymous text tip via your cell phone to police by texting the keyword of your local police, BRISTOLPD, EPPOLICE, or WARRENPD and sending their message/tip to 847411 (tip411).
Call Barrington’s Tipline (no text option): (401)-437-3933
Download the Bristol PD App for Android or Apple. You can also send anonymous messages through the Bristol PD website.
East Providence
Download the East Providence PD App for Android or Apple. You can also send anonymous messages through the East Providence PD website.
Download the Warren PD App for Android or Apple. You can also send anonymous messages through the Warren PD website.