InShape: Prevention Plus Wellness

The InShape PPW program was designed to help young adults look and feel more active, fit and healthy using a three-step process of:

  1. Screening young adults for their current health habits to increase awareness of their substance use and wellness behaviors.
  2. Providing feedback cuing desired future images and the benefits of engaging in the wellness behaviors and how substance misuse harms them, to increase motivation for change.
  3. Presenting a goal plan and contract to have young adults set and monitor goals to avoid substance misuse and increase protective wellness behaviors enhancing self-control skills and self-efficacy. 

Attend an Upcoming Class!

Click the button above to access the registration Jotform!

Can’t make on the scheduled classes? 

Email Hannah Oliver to set up a 1-on-1 class or private group class!

Contact Information:

Please e-mail Hannah Oliver at for any inquiries regarding the InShape program. 

Phone: 401-247-1900 ext. 346